Abba Modern
What is Jesus and Dance.
About Us

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance group that aims to spread Jesus's love to the Berkeley Community through the art of dance and testimony.

Core Values

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered group. It is set apart as a tool for God to fulfill His purpose and bring glory to Him.

Abba Modern aims to be a light in the Berkeley community, especially the dance community. We aim to reach out to seeking individuals, both Christians and non-Christians through word and testimony, through various performances, and through community workshops

Abba Modern is a family that supports each member’s growth as a Christian and as a dancer.

Abba Modern is faithful to represent dance as an art form, seeking to be progressive in skill, choreography, and concept.

Abba Modern aims to be intimately involved in the larger dance community by establishing relationships with various dance communities and performing at dance-related venues.

As a Christ-centered group, our sets are inspired by personal testimonies and truths that God reveals to us. Each set is created is purpose and performed as a personal testimony to His faithfulness. We hope that the messages in our sets blesses you!

Fear Not (Behind the Set), Fall 2015

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

We’ve all experienced fear in some way or another. We’re afraid of rejection, failure, uncertainty, and inadequacy. It becomes our mission to succeed, to not allow our fears to become a reality. After coming up empty, we are too tired to do anything. We can choose to do nothing, to let our fear paralyze, torment, strangle us. But when we realize that we’ve been adopted by a loving and perfect Father, what do we have to fear? Our identity as children of God frees us from the bondage of fear that controls our every move and invades our every thought. We are no longer slaves to fear, we are children of God.

Social Injustice: Make It Well, Spring 2015

The world is wrought with injustice. The human race cries, sweats, suffers, and dies, fighting against the will, and our hearts break as we read headlines, listen to the news, and experience it ourselves - But there is a God whose heart breaks more so than ours. God, who is Justice, gave us Jesus Christ, a man who suffered the greatest injustice so that the world would have hope.

Come explore issues of prostitution, war, domestic violence, slavery and racial prejudice with us, as we come to awareness and a better understanding that there is a better future. Social injustice exists but we sing “It is well with our souls” only because these are temporary afflictions when we are reminded that there is an eternal life with our Father.

Find out what we're up to next! Click HERE to sign up for our mailing list!
Spring 2016 Auditions!

We can’t wait to welcome some new additions to our Abba family! Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance group at UC Berkeley that aims to spread Jesus's love to the dance community through the art of dance and testimony. Abba Modern seeks to be a community for Christian dancers who strive to be a light for God in the dance community. Come out to our auditions this fall if you're interested in joining us, or even just to learn a fun workshop piece!

We have a 3-part application process which include dance, written application, and interview.

All levels of dance experience are welcome! Even if you have an inkling, a small interest, a wonderment, a curiosity (no dance experience is required), we encourage you to come and at least dance with us! (Coming to the audition doesn’t mean you have to audition.)

Our dance audition will be held on the following days. You only need to attend one of the days.

Auditions: TBA
Make Ups: TBA

If you're interested in auditioning for Abba Modern, come to either our Audition or Make-up audition day to learn and perform the audition piece. Also, you must fill out this WRITTEN APPLICATION by SOMETIME at 11:59pm and send it to After reviewing the dance auditions and written applications, we will be contacting several applicants for an interview later that week.

Merry Christmas from AM!

"And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." - Luke 2:10-11

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