Watch our past performances here. We hope that the message and lyrics of each set will inspire you, just as they have inspired us! Much of our message and meaning in our sets is derived from personal testimonies and biblical verses, so we hope that this blesses you!

Fear Not, Fall 2015

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

We’ve all experienced fear in some way or another. We’re afraid of rejection, failure, uncertainty, and inadequacy. It becomes our mission to succeed, to not allow our fears to become a reality. After coming up empty, we are too tired to do anything. We can choose to do nothing, to let our fear paralyze, torment, strangle us. But when we realize that we’ve been adopted by a loving and perfect Father, what do we have to fear? Our identity as children of God frees us from the bondage of fear that controls our every move and invades our every thought. We are no longer slaves to fear, we are children of God.

Social Injustice: Make It Well, Spring 2015

The world is wrought with injustice. The human race cries, sweats, suffers, and dies, fighting against the will, and our hearts break as we read headlines, listen to the news, and experience it ourselves - But there is a God whose heart breaks more so than ours. God, who is Justice, gave us Jesus Christ, a man who suffered the greatest injustice so that the world would have hope.

Come explore issues of prostitution, war, domestic violence, slavery and racial prejudice with us, as we come to awareness and a better understanding that there is a better future. Social injustice exists but we sing “It is well with our souls” only because these are temporary afflictions when we are reminded that there is an eternal life with our Father.

Heavy, Fall 2014

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22)

As students, dancers, part-time workers, tutors, club members, we get tired. As our list of worries grows longer, our burdens feel heavier. But we believe that the Lord sustains us, and helps us lay our burdens down in the hands of the One who knows how to handle them better. Join us in this story and struggle that we go through daily, and understand the freedom that comes with letting go.

Where Feet May Fail, Fall 2014 | Abba Contemporary

“I will call upon Your name, and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace. For I am yours, and You are mine.”

How blessed we are to have a Father who faithfully listens and answers our prayers. How wonderful it is to claim the maker of the world as ours. The contemporary dancers of Abba Modern have come together to create a set that shares the joy and satisfaction that comes from having a loving Savior.

Alive, Spring 2014

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10.

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance team that has found purpose in dancing to glorify a creative God. This set, "Alive," reflects the restoration, excitement, and joy we have found in living a life with and for God. Our dancing is a testimony of our own experiences of feeling fully alive in response to God's unconditional love, thrilling hope, refreshing presence, and incredible promises.

Higher Love, Fall 2013

"Think about it, there must be higher love, down in the heart and in the stars above."

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance team that has found purpose in dancing to glorify a creative God. We believe that God has created us to love and be loved by Him. Flowing from this identity as beloved children of God, we find within ourselves a yearning for a love that is deeper and stronger than what we often experience or are told we are worthy of. The set, "Higher Love," is an exploration and celebration of this love, God's love. The set journeys from a place of hopeless longing for a deeper love to a place of realization and celebration of God's unfailing love. The set revolves around the discovery that we are worthy of love and the freedom that comes from experiencing God's love in the way that we were created to experience it.

Clear the Stage, Fall 2013 | Abba Contemporary

"Clear the stage, make some space for the one who deserves it."

The contemporary dancers of Abba Modern have come together to create a set that aims to share what it means live for a purpose greater than ourselves. In order for Christ to increase, we must decrease.

Fuego, Spring 2013

In this world, it is often easy for the events in our day to day life to trap us in a state of being shallow-minded, leaving us feeling unambitious, faithless, helpless, and insecure. "Fuego" is an illustration of one's journey to escape this "civilian" mindset and embrace the higher call to be a "soldier" for God's kingdom. When we recognize that we are already equipped with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), we are no longer overwhelmed and controlled by the little things but are able to set and focus our eyes on the ultimate mission - to proclaim the gospel of His goodness and victory, and to set every heart on fire for Him.

All That You Give, Fall 2012

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance team that has found purpose in dancing to glorify a creative God. "All That You Give" aims to shed light on the truth that, like the young girl who relentlessly loves and adores her beloved toys, the Lord relentlessly loves and adores His beloved children. God yearns to provide for us—to love on us, take care of us, and claim us as His own. It is up to us to question the worldly status quo, realize that we were meant for more, and to allow ourselves to wholeheartedly receive from our God who has loved us all along. It is through this that we find our true identity rooted in Him.

Thrill of Hope, Spring 2012

Abba Modern is a Christ-centered dance team that has found purpose in dancing to glorify a creative God. With this set, we want to share the promise of hope that is possible with Jesus Christ. Our dancing is a testimony to an unbelievable hope that exists beyond circumstance, glows in the dark, and cradles the heart.

All That You Give, Fall 2012

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis

Lights, Fall 2011

"Lights" is derived from our own experiences and tells the story of a girl who feels removed from the dreams and future that God promised her. Yet she chooses to keep those dreams in sight, letting faith fuel her pursuit of what is unseen.

More Than Sundays, Fall 2010

We are Abba Modern - a family of dancing Christians/Christian dancers! Really though, we're just a bunch of kids who happen to be dancers who just so happen to be believers. And in the collision of these two identities is where we have discovered dance as a form of creative expression ripe to glorify a creative God. "More Than Sundays" tells the story of two people who are discontent with their experiences in the church. All they see is stiff boredom, monotony, or sometimes even hurt from the church. But as they cry out with dissatisfaction, they begin to discover that there is much more to god than they had originally perceived.

Up Up and Away, Spring 2010

I Used to Rule the World, Fall 2008 - Spring 2009

We all look for love in different areas. After Jesus came and had bleeding love for us, it redeemed us and gave us a chance to renew our lives.

Shackles and Looking for You, Fall 2007

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